Platform Asia is pleased to announce our partnership with Taipei Artists Village and Arts Catalyst on our first international exchange programme.
Taipei Artists Village is now accepting applications from Taiwan-based professional artists to apply for an exchange opportunity with international partners. For more information, please visit here (Only available in Chinese).
Application Deadline: 8 June 2020
For UK-based artists, we will provide more details including application process for exchange opportunity to Taiwan later this year. Please check our website and social media pages for updates.
「台北藝術進駐」(Artist-in-Residence Taipei),以台北|寶藏巖國際藝術村作為國內外藝術家進駐的基地,利用橫向連結串聯起全球藝術進駐機構與縱向延伸開放國內外藝術家申請進駐,透過提供創作與生活的空間及多元文化的交流平台,建立跨國界網絡,吸引更多各領域、跨社群的族群之間,彼此互動交流,開啟全新視野。
Platform Asia為今年新增國際進駐機構,與位於英格蘭中部雪菲爾的Arts Catalyst共同合作為在台藝術家提供到訪英國的交流機會。獲選藝術家將有機會與雪菲爾哈倫大學藝術與設計研究中心及國內其他相關藝術組織探討及研究創作。「2021台北藝術進駐—國內進駐計畫及國外出訪計畫」即日起開放線上徵件申請至2020年6月8日截止報名。詳細徵件資訊請上台北藝術進駐申請網站(下載簡章與線上申請查詢。